Friday, December 5, 2008

Funny Idol Auditions

These videos I embed from Youtube are the funniest idol auditions that I've ever seen with my own eyes! I'll bet you'll laugh at their funny accents.

Enam (Numb) - Dayadiarmon from Indonesian Idol

Ken Lee ((Can't Live) Without You) - A woman from Bulgarian Idol

P.S: Oya, itu lagu blog gue di-pause dulu aja sebelum nonton video-video ini. Tau tombol pause kan? Itu loh ikan gede yang ada di laut itu. Bercanda. Itu tombol yang ada garis duanya, klik aja oke.


sherry.sherry.sherry. SHERRY. said...

dyz, lo ... lo.... kok juri II tuh jahat abis ya.

heyo said...

hey dayadiarmon! gokil abis haha.. ngomong pake dlm bhs yg kayak simlish. Ato malah jawalish..

Anggita Krisnandini said...

waa kocak2!