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Berikut merupakan potongan dari artikel Kafe Kopi:
The South China Sea north of Indonesia have been advocated as a site for Atlantis. During the Last Glacial Maximum, what is now known as the Sunda Shelf was the location of a large subaerial coastal plain that was part of Sundaland. During the Last Glacial Maximum, Sundaland extended northward from Indonesia to Borneo Sundaland is quite tectonically stable lacking any known prehistory of any significant, much less cataclysmic, tectonic subsidence. and northwestward to the coast of Southeast Asia.Detailed studie of late glacial and postglacial sea level rise for the this part of the Sunda Shelf demonstrates that the first significant submergence of Sundaland by rising sea level occurred between 14,000 and 15,000 years ago. Periods of abrupt rise in sea level submerged a significant part of Sundaland beneath the South China Sea between 13,000 and 14,000 years ago. Bewteen 14,300 and 14,600 years ago, a period of 300 years, sea level rose 16m (62 feet). Between 12,000 and 13,000 years ago, the submergence of Sundaland by rising sea level was relatively minor. A final period of rapid flooding of Sundaland by the South China Sea occurred between 11,000 to 12,000 years ago. The submergence of Sundaland during this period was minor in extent relative to the area submerged between 13,000 and 14,000 years ago. Evidence for any significant or cataclysmic submergence of Sundaland as the result of tectonic processes is completely lacking.
Key to this argument that Sundaland was the location of Atlantis is that the Ocean of Atlantis refers to the ocean which encircles Eurasia and Africa, which was the historical understanding until the time of Christopher Columbus. Proponents of this idea claim that natives of Sundaland who fled the rising waters or volcanic explosions eventually had contact with Ancient Egyptians, who later passed the story onto Plato who gets some but not all of the details correct, including location and time period. The main advocate of this theory is the Brazilian professor of nuclear physics Arysio Nunes dos Santos.
Berikut adalah cuplikan video dari tayangan televisi Naked Science yang membahas tentang eksistensi letak kota Atlantis:
Ada beberapa keadaan masa kini yang antara Plato dan Santos sependapat. Yakni pertama, bahwa lokasi benua yang tenggelam itu adalah Atlantis dan oleh Santos dipastikan sebagai wilayah Republik Indonesia. Kedua, jumlah atau panjangnya mata rantai gunung berapi di Indonesia. Di antaranya ialah Kerinci, Talang, Krakatoa, Malabar, Galunggung, Pangrango, Merapi, Merbabu, Semeru, Bromo, Agung, Rinjani. Sebagian dari gunung itu telah atau sedang aktif kembali.
Ketiga, soal semburan lumpur akibat letusan gunung berapi yang abunya tercampur air laut menjadi lumpur. Endapan lumpur di laut ini kemudian meresap ke dalam tanah di daratan. Lumpur panas ini tercampur dengan gas-gas alam yang merupakan impossible barrier of mud (hambatan lumpur yang tidak bisa dilalui), atau in navigable (tidak dapat dilalui), tidak bisa ditembus atau dimasuki. Dalam kasus di Sidoarjo, pernah dilakukan remote sensing, penginderaan jauh, yang menunjukkan adanya sistim kanalisasi di wilayah tersebut. Ada kemungkinan kanalisasi itu bekas penyaluran semburan lumpur panas dari masa yang lampau.
Well.... Who knows that Indonesia might be the site of the lost Atlantis?
Memang teori yang dikemukakan oleh Prof. Arysio Santos mengenai Atlantis belum tentu benar, tapi setidaknya, dari sekian banyak literatur yang ditulis oleh arkeolog-arkeolog ternama di dunia, baru satu ini yang menyatakan bahwa Indonesia merupakan peninggalan dari kota Atlantis yang dinyatakan hilang.
It's getting more interesting now!
I'll continue my research about this issue later.... soon after I finish my mid-term test!
Wish me luck!
1 comment:
informatif bgt dyz blog kali ini. Hebat ada hal baru lg ni yg kaka pelajarin hehe :)
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