Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dentingan Magis

Pada pagi yang cerah ini, aku mendengar dentingan piano dari TV. Dentingan magis itu membuat jantungku berdebar lebih cepat. Tiba-tiba aku teringat akan suatu masa. Yaitu masa dimana aku menghabiskan waktu luangku sepulang sekolah dengan menciptakan sebuah mahakarya virtual. Semakin piano itu didentingkan, semakin aku rindu dengan kegiatan yang adiktif itu.

Dentingan piano dari TV itu memainkan musik tema yang mendampingiku membuat perumahan di game The Sims.

Oh God, kangen main The Sims lagi!
The Sims 3 cepatlah terbit!!!!!!
Aku menunggumu.......

Ini pemandangan di The Sims 3.
Oh, sangat memanjakan mata.....

Terus ini debut trailernya.....

Sunday, April 19, 2009

This is amazing.
An elephant giving a full attention to kid reciting the Holy Qur'an.

From Flickr.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Best man FAIL

Bener-bener ini pengiring pengantinnya.. Padahal tinggal pemasangan cincin dan bagian "I do" aja. Ckckck.. Terlalu.

Okay, I'll run.

“Sometimes you just got to run away to see who will chase you.”

- From What Else Is There?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jadi pengen nonton sirkus...

Guru biologi: Penyakit kaki gajah dapat disembuhkan lewat berbagai cara dari berbagai bidang...
Saya: (menyimak)
Guru biologi: ...salah satu caranya adalah lewat pakar kaki gajah, yaitu?
Saya: Pawang gajah, pak?
Guru biologi: Yaitu, lewat ahli serangga.
Saya: Oh.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Movie quote of the day

Princess Leia: I love you.
Han Solo: I know.

From Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Masa depan cerah.... YAY!

Pikirkan esensi dari segala peristiwa di hari ini.
Refleksikan diri sendiri lewat sudut pandang lain.
Cari akar masalah.
Cari solusi.
Buat perubahan.
Raih tujuan.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

We're Chuck and Blair. Blair and Chuck.

Blair: Chuck! Aren't you done trying to destroy my night?
Chuck: Look I should never have abandoned you. I know I made the wrong decision as soon as your plane took off. Distracted myself all summer...hoping I wouldn't feel it, but I still do.
Blair: And?
Chuck: I was scared...I was scared that if we spent the whole summer together, just us, then you'd see.
Blair: See what?
Chuck: Me. Please don't leave with him.
Blair: Why? Give me a reason and "I'm Chuck Bass" doesn't count.


Blair: You are disgusting. I hate you.
Chuck: Then why are you still holding my hand?


Chuck: I chased you for long enough, now it's time you chase me.


Blair: Chuck! Stop! Don't go. Or if you have to leave, let me come with you.
Chuck: I appreciate the concern.
Blair: No. You don't. You don't appreciate anything today. But I don't care. Whatever you're going through, I want to be there for you.
Chuck: We talked about this. You are not my girlfriend.
Blair: But I am me. And you are you. We're Chuck and Blair. Blair and Chuck. The worst thing you've ever done—the darkest thought you've ever had—I will stand by you through anything.
Chuck: And why would you do that?
Blair: Because I love you.
Chuck: Well that's too bad.


Chuck: This isn't you.
Blair: How do you know?
Chuck: Because I know you better than I know myself.

Two and a hidden layers beneath

Dear 001101100110011000100000001101100110001000100000001101100110010100100000 0011011100110101001000000011011001100100001000000011001000110000001000000011011100111000,

do you know how much I loathe myself after I made fun of you?

I hope you know.
